Monday, December 30, 2019


So.... First world problem of the day.

We’re having friends over for dinner tonight and I reach under my sink to choose a board for my charcuterie. I discover the bottom 1/4 inch of all of my wooden boards to be wet and discolored. Damaged enough that I end up throwing them away instead of attempting bleach.

At this juncture I become mildly distraught. In the absence of the usually-receptive cat, choice words are spoken to the carrots on my countertop. Satisfaction does not come, so I fire off a text to my husband.

In answer to my pitiful plea, Mr. Shelly leaves his desk and arrives home heartily singing the Mighty Mouse theme song, “Here I come to save the day!”

He ejects potatoes, onions, and all manner of under-sink dwellers (the sheer volume of which appears incomprehensible for the space allotted).

He identifies the likely culprit as  some generic pipe disease and has now taken himself off to Lowe’s to acquire a shiny new pipe elbow. I’m guessing he will continue his song (likely with a gentler delivery) as he peruses the plumbing aisle.

I’ve got dinner to prep so his parting words give me little comfort. “As long as I don’t break anything while I’m replacing the part, it should go okay... 😳


The diagnosis was accurate. After he pulled it out, his finger went right through it.

Mischief managed.